
“I significantly feel this remedy lift my vibration. After taking my Bach blend I feel lifted to a really really joyful place despite what is going on around me and I feel my faith really strong. Wow!!”


Bach Flower Essence Therapy

Bespoke Bach 365 Membership

$365 for 365 days

1 year of Bespoke Bach Blends

Appointments and a new Bespoke Bach Flower Essence Blend created just for you every 2-3 months.

5 Consultations

(Save $130 over individually booked appointments)

Individual Sessions:

Initial Consultation

Includes Bespoke Bach Blend of flower essences custom crafted just for you, delivered in a reusable cloth pouch, with personalized printed guidance

60 minutes

Follow Up Consultations

Includes Bespoke Bach Blend of flower essences custom crafted just for you, with personalized guidance

50 minutes

You-Design & Refills $25

For when you know exactly what you want, we’ll craft your 30 ml blend for you. Maximum of 7 flower essences, your choice of preservative

  • There is an additional $22 cost-recovery charge per bottle to mail within Canada. Pick-up option is offered in Saskatoon.

Not sure if Bach Flower Therapy can help you?

Reach out and book a free 10-minute Clarity Call to find out more. Or read more about Bach Flower Therapy on our About page.

Coffee, computer on desk; consult with holistic practitioner.

What to Expect

We will dive into your emotional state, and together identify what needs re-balancing

At your first appointment (which will last about 1-1.25 hours), you can expect me to listen as you share your story. Bach Flower Therapy focuses on the emotions and the emotional states that are prominent for you at the moment. I will guide our conversation to help me best understand your current emotional needs and pain points so I can select the best Bach flower essences to support you and foster emotional balance and healing. Appointments are conducted virtually at the moment, so I can’t pour you a cup of tea, but feel free to make yourself a cup of something comforting as we settle in and get to know each other.

After our first appointment, I will evaluate our conversation and create a Bespoke Bach Blend of flower essences just for you. Along with the blend you receive detailed instructions, and guiding information about the selected flower essences. I’ll share which flower essences are included, and why, so you can have knowledge to go along with the experience of your healing journey.

A Bespoke Bach Blend bottle lasts about 4-6 weeks, so I gently suggest booking a follow-up appointment at that time to build on and continue your healing experience. However, the timing between appointments is entirely self-directed. You’ll know when you’re ready to have a follow-up appointment, either for a ‘tune-up’ or to work with the next layers of healing that are ready to be addressed.

Bespoke Bach 365 Membership

A new Bespoke Bach Blend created just for you every 2 months

Emotional healing and re-balancing can be a journey. The 365 Membership allows us to take that journey for 365 days, a whole year, as we move deeply through layers of emotional healing and rejuvenation. We can address general emotional themes in your life and focus on ‘big picture’ stuff. Or we can create some blends for use in specific situations unique to you… Trouble with public speaking? Let’s make a flower essence blend to help you in those moments. Struggle with falling asleep at night? Let’s make a blend to help ease you into slumber. Family get togethers always stress you out? We’ll customize a blend just for you to support you through it. You get the picture. You can use your sessions however you like, to address whatever you like. Have questions about how it all works? Call to chat, we’d love to hear from you.

Refills & You-Design

For when you know exactly what you want $25

We offer refills on your Bespoke Bach Blend that was designed just for you. Sometimes you just want more of the same… for when you love where the blend has taken you and you’re not done the journey even though the bottle is empty, let’s fill you up - heart, soul, and dropper bottle.

Are you an avid fan of the Bach Flower Essences and have done some reading and investigation and think you know exactly what you want to try, but don’t want to buy all the individual remedies yourself plus the supplies to mix them? Let me craft your personally designed blend for you. 30 ml bottle, maximum of 7 flower essences (that’s the limit Dr. Bach himself recommended for the most effective blends), your choice of preservative - pure French brandy or organic vegetable glycerin or apple cider vinegar.

Here are some resources that may help you to design your own remedy blend, if you like:

Bach Remedies Essence Chooser

Selecting Remedies - The Bach Centre

Bach Flower Remedies Quick Reference Guide